(function(undefined) {
"use strict";
* Batch to send using WebApiClient.SendBatch.
* Batches can be used for sending multiple requests at once.
* All requests inside a change set will be executed as a transaction, i.e. fail or succeed together.
* @constructor
* @see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/mt607719.aspx#bkmk_BatchRequests
* @param {Object} parameters
* @param {String} [parameters.name] Name to set for this batch. Will be set to a default name if ommitted
* @param {Array<ChangeSet>} [parameters.changeSets] Change Sets to include in this batch. Defaults to an empty array
* @param {Array<Request>} [parameters.requests] GET requests to include in this batch. GET requests must be contained in here and are forbidden in change sets. Defaults to an empty array
* @param {Array<{key:string,value:string}>} [parameters.headers] Headers to append to the batch.
* @param {bool} [parameters.async] True for sending async, false for sending sync. WebApiClient default is async
* @param {bool} [parameters.isOverLengthGet] Used internally for flagging a GET request that was originally not a batch but had to be transformed to a batch request automatically since the url was too long
* @memberof module:WebApiClient
var Batch = function (parameters) {
var params = parameters || {};
* @property {String} name - Name of the batch
* @this {Batch}
this.name = params.name || "batch_AAA123";
* @property {Array<ChangeSet>} changeSets - Change sets included in this batch. Only non GET requests may be included here. Each change set will execute as a separate transaction
* @this {Batch}
this.changeSets = params.changeSets || [];
* @property {Array<Request>} requests - GET Requests included in this batch. GET request may only be included in here
* @this {Batch}
this.requests = params.requests || [];
* @property {Array<{key:string,value:string}>} headers - Headers for the batch
* @this {Batch}
this.headers = params.headers || [];
* @property {bool} async - False for executing the batch synchronously, defaults to async
* @this {Batch}
this.async = params.async;
* @property {bool} isOverLengthGet - Used internally for flagging a GET request that was originally not a batch but had to be transformed to a batch request automatically since the url was too long
* @this {Batch}
this.isOverLengthGet = params.isOverLengthGet;
* @description Creates a text representation of the whole batch for sending as message body
* @return {String}
* @this {Batch}
Batch.prototype.buildPayload = function() {
var payload = "";
for (var i = 0; i < this.changeSets.length; i++) {
payload += "--" + this.name + "\n";
payload += "Content-Type: multipart/mixed;boundary=" + this.changeSets[i].name + "\n\n";
var changeSet = this.changeSets[i];
payload += changeSet.stringify();
for (var j = 0; j < this.requests.length; j++) {
payload += "--" + this.name + "\n";
payload += "Content-Type: application/http\n";
payload += "Content-Transfer-Encoding:binary\n\n";
var request = this.requests[j];
payload += request.stringify();
// When all requests are stringified, we need a closing batch tag
if (j === this.requests.length - 1) {
payload += "--" + this.name + "--\n";
return payload;
module.exports = Batch;
} ());