

new Request(parameters)


Base class for all actions and functions.

  • {Request}
Name Type Description
parameters Object
Name Type Attributes Description
method String

The HTTP method of the request, such as GET / POST / ...

name String

The name of the request

bound bool <optional>

Determines if request is bound, i.e. always executed regarding a distinct record, or not. Defaults to false

entityName String <optional>

Name of the request if it is bound to an entity

entityId String <optional>

Record ID if bound to an entity

payload Object <optional>

Message body for this request

headers Array.<{key:string, value:string}> <optional>

Headers to append to this request

urlParams Object <optional>

Object with key-value pairs that will be appended to the URL of a GET request. Used for calling functions with parameters

async bool <optional>

Determines if request is sent async or not. Defaults to async