
/* @preserve
 * MIT License
 * Copyright (c) 2016 Florian Krönert
 * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
 * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
 * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
 * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
 * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
 * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
 * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
 * copies or substantial portions of the Software.

 * This is the core functionality of Xrm-WebApi-Client
 * No instantiation needed, it's a singleton.
 * @module WebApiClient
(function (undefined) {
    "use strict";
    var WebApiClient = {};

    var batchName = "batch_UrlLimitExeedingRequest";

     * @description The API version that will be used when sending requests. Default is "8.0"
     * @param {String}
     * @memberof module:WebApiClient
    WebApiClient.ApiVersion = "8.0";

     * @description Informs about which version of WebApiClient you're using
     * @param {string}
     * @memberof module:WebApiClient
    WebApiClient.Version = "v0.0.0";

     * @description Checks for more pages when retrieving results. If set to true, all pages will be retrieved, if set to false, only the first page will be retrieved.
     * @param {boolean}
     * @memberof module:WebApiClient
    WebApiClient.ReturnAllPages = false;

     * @description Set to true for retrieving formatted error in style 'xhr.statusText: xhr.error.Message'. If set to false, error json will be returned.
     * @param {boolean}
     * @memberof module:WebApiClient
    WebApiClient.PrettifyErrors = true;

     * @description Set to false for sending all requests synchronously. True by default.
     * @param {boolean}
     * @memberof module:WebApiClient
    WebApiClient.Async = true;

     * @description Connection to use when being used in a single page app.
     * @param {String}
     * @memberof module:WebApiClient
    WebApiClient.ClientUrl = null;

     * @description Token to use for authenticating when being used in a single page app.
     * @param {String}
     * @memberof module:WebApiClient
    WebApiClient.Token = null;

    // This is for ensuring that we use bluebird internally, so that calls to WebApiClient have no differing set of
    // functions that can be applied to the Promise. For example Promise.finally would not be available without Bluebird.
    var Promise = require("bluebird").noConflict();

    function GetCrmContext() {
        if (typeof (GetGlobalContext) !== "undefined") {
            return GetGlobalContext();

        if (typeof (Xrm) !== "undefined"){
            return Xrm.Page.context;

    function GetClientUrl () {
        var context = GetCrmContext();

            return context.getClientUrl();

        if (WebApiClient.ClientUrl) {
            return WebApiClient.ClientUrl;

        throw new Error("Failed to retrieve client url, is ClientGlobalContext.aspx available?");

    function MergeResults (firstResponse, secondResponse) {
        if (!firstResponse && !secondResponse) {
            return null;

        if (firstResponse && !secondResponse) {
            return firstResponse;

        if (!firstResponse && secondResponse) {
            return secondResponse;

        firstResponse.value = firstResponse.value.concat(secondResponse.value);

        delete firstResponse["@odata.nextLink"];
        delete firstResponse["@Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.fetchxmlpagingcookie"];

        return firstResponse;

    function RemoveIdBrackets (id) {
        if (!id) {
            return id;

        return id.replace("{", "").replace("}", "");

     * @description Builds the set name of a given entity name.
     * @method GetSetName
     * @param {String} entityName Logical name of the entity, such as "account"
     * @param {String}[overriddenSetName] Override set name if it can't be infered from plural rules
     * @memberof module:WebApiClient
     * @return {String}
    WebApiClient.GetSetName = function (entityName, overriddenSetName) {
        if (overriddenSetName) {
            return overriddenSetName;

        var ending = entityName.slice(-1);

            case 's':
                return entityName + "es";
            case 'y':
                return entityName.substring(0, entityName.length - 1) + "ies";
                return entityName + "s";

    var DefaultHeaders = [
        { key: "Accept", value: "application/json" },
        { key: "OData-Version", value: "4.0" },
        { key: "OData-MaxVersion", value: "4.0" },
        { key: "Content-Type", value: "application/json; charset=utf-8" }

     * @description Returns array of default headers.
     * @method GetDefaultHeaders
     * @return {Array<{key: String, value:String}>}
     * @memberof module:WebApiClient
    WebApiClient.GetDefaultHeaders = function() {
        return DefaultHeaders;

    function VerifyHeader(header) {
        if (!header.key || typeof(header.value) === "undefined") {
            throw new Error("Each request header needs a key and a value!");

        if(typeof(header.key) !== "string") {
            throw new Error("Header key " + header.key + " is not a string");

        if(typeof(header.value) !== "string") {
            throw new Error("Header value " + header.value + " for key " + header.key + " is not a string");

     * @description Function for building the set name of a given entity name.
     * @method AppendToDefaultHeaders
     * @param {...{key:String, value:String}} var_args Headers as variable arguments
     * @memberof module:WebApiClient
     * @return {void}
    WebApiClient.AppendToDefaultHeaders = function () {
        if (!arguments.length) {

        for(var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
            var argument = arguments[i];



    function AppendHeaders(xhr, headers) {
        if (headers) {
            for (var i = 0; i < headers.length; i++) {
                var header = headers[i];


                xhr.setRequestHeader(header.key, header.value);

    function GetRecordUrl (parameters) {
        var params = parameters || {};

        if ((!params.entityName && !params.overriddenSetName) || (!params.entityId && !params.alternateKey)) {
            throw new Error("Need entity name or overridden set name and entity id or alternate key for getting record url!");

        var url = WebApiClient.GetApiUrl() + WebApiClient.GetSetName(params.entityName, params.overriddenSetName);

        if (params.alternateKey) {
            url += BuildAlternateKeyUrl(params);
        } else {
            url += "(" + RemoveIdBrackets(params.entityId) + ")";

        return url;

    function FormatError (xhr) {
        if (xhr && xhr.response) {
			var response = ParseResponse(xhr);

			if (response instanceof WebApiClient.BatchResponse) {
				var errors = "";
				if (response.errors.length > 0) {
					errors = response.errors.map(function(e) {
						return e.code + ": " + e.message;

				return xhr.status + " - " + errors;

            var json = JSON.parse(xhr.response);

            if (!WebApiClient.PrettifyErrors) {
                json.xhrStatusText = xhr.statusText;

                return JSON.stringify(json);
            } else {
                var error = "";

                if (json.error) {
                    error = json.error.message;

                return xhr.statusText + ": " + error;

        return "";

    function GetNextLink (response) {
        return response["@odata.nextLink"];

    function GetPagingCookie(response) {
        return response["@Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.fetchxmlpagingcookie"];

    function SetCookie (pagingCookie, parameters) {
        // Parse cookie that we retrieved with response
        var parser = new DOMParser();
        var cookieXml = parser.parseFromString(pagingCookie, "text/xml");

        var cookie = cookieXml.documentElement;

        var cookieAttribute = cookie.getAttribute("pagingcookie");

        // In CRM 8.X orgs, fetch cookies where escaped twice. Since 9.X, they are only escaped once.
        // Below indexOf check checks for the double escaped cookie string '<cookie page'.
        // In CRM 9.X this will lead to no matches, as cookies start as '%3ccookie%20page'.
        if (cookieAttribute && cookieAttribute.indexOf("%253ccookie%2520page") === 0) {
            cookieAttribute = unescape(cookieAttribute);

        var cookieValue = unescape(cookieAttribute);
        var pageNumber = parseInt(/<cookie page="([\d]+)">/.exec(cookieValue)[1]) + 1;

        // Parse our original fetch XML, we will inject the paging information in here
        var fetchXml = parser.parseFromString(parameters.fetchXml, "text/xml");
        var fetch = fetchXml.documentElement;

        fetch.setAttribute("page", pageNumber);
        fetch.setAttribute("paging-cookie", cookieValue);

        // Serialize modified fetch with paging information
        var serializer = new XMLSerializer();
        return serializer.serializeToString(fetchXml);

    function SetPreviousResponse (parameters, response) {
        // Set previous response
        parameters._previousResponse = response;

    function MergeHeaders() {
        var headers = [];

        if (!arguments) {
            return headers;

        for(var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
            var headersToAdd = arguments[i];

            if (!headersToAdd || !Array.isArray(headersToAdd)) {

            for (var j = 0; j < headersToAdd.length; j++) {
                var header = headersToAdd[j];

                var addHeader = true;

                for (var k = 0; k < headers.length; k++) {
                  if (headers[k].key === header.key) {
                      addHeader = false;

                if (addHeader) {

        return headers;

    function IsBatch(responseText) {
        return responseText && /^--batchresponse_[a-fA-F0-9\-]+$/m.test(responseText);

    function ParseResponse(xhr) {
        var responseText = xhr.responseText;

        // Check if it is a batch response
        if (IsBatch(responseText)) {
            return new WebApiClient.BatchResponse({
                xhr: xhr
        else {
            return JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);

    function IsOverlengthGet (method, url) {
        return method && method.toLowerCase() === "get" && url && url.length > 2048;

    function SendAsync(method, url, payload, parameters) {
        var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();

        var promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
            xhr.onload = function() {
                if(xhr.readyState !== 4) {

                if(xhr.status === 200){
                    var response = ParseResponse(xhr);

                    if (response instanceof WebApiClient.BatchResponse) {
                        // If it was an overlength fetchXml, that was sent as batch automatically, we don't want it to behave as a batch
                        if (parameters.isOverLengthGet) {
                            response = response.batchResponses[0].payload;
                        // If we received multiple responses, but not from overlength get, it was a custom batch. Just resolve all matches
                        else {

                    var nextLink = GetNextLink(response);
                    var pagingCookie = GetPagingCookie(response);

                    // Since 9.X paging cookie is always added to response, even in queryParams retrieves
                    // In 9.X the morerecords flag can signal whether there are more records to be found
                    // In 8.X the flag was not present and instead the pagingCookie was only set if more records were available
                    var moreRecords = "@Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.morerecords" in response ? response["@Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.morerecords"] : true;

                    response = MergeResults(parameters._previousResponse, response);

                    // Results are paged, we don't have all results at this point
                    if (moreRecords && nextLink && (WebApiClient.ReturnAllPages || parameters.returnAllPages)) {
                        SetPreviousResponse(parameters, response);

                        resolve(SendAsync("GET", nextLink, null, parameters));
                    else if (parameters.fetchXml && moreRecords && pagingCookie && (WebApiClient.ReturnAllPages || parameters.returnAllPages)) {
                        var nextPageFetch = SetCookie(pagingCookie, parameters);

                        SetPreviousResponse(parameters, response);

                        parameters.fetchXml = nextPageFetch;

                    else {
                else if (xhr.status === 201) {
                else if (xhr.status === 204) {
                    if (method.toLowerCase() === "post") {
                    // No content returned for delete, update, ...
                    else {
                else {
                    reject(new Error(FormatError(xhr)));
            xhr.onerror = function() {
                reject(new Error(FormatError(xhr)));

        var headers = [];

        if (IsOverlengthGet(method, url)) {
            var batch = new WebApiClient.Batch({
                requests: [new WebApiClient.BatchRequest({
                    method: method,
                    url: url,
                    payload: payload,
                    headers: parameters.headers
                async: true,
                isOverLengthGet: true

            return WebApiClient.SendBatch(batch);

        xhr.open(method, url, true);

        headers = MergeHeaders(headers, parameters.headers, DefaultHeaders);

        AppendHeaders(xhr, headers);

        // Bugfix for IE. If payload is undefined, IE would send "undefined" as request body
        if (payload) {
            // For batch requests, we just want to send a string body
            if (typeof(payload) === "string") {
            else {
        } else {

        return promise;

    function SendSync(method, url, payload, parameters) {
        var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
        var response;
        var headers = [];

        if (IsOverlengthGet(method, url)) {
            var batch = new WebApiClient.Batch({
                requests: [new WebApiClient.BatchRequest({
                    method: method,
                    url: url,
                    payload: payload,
                    headers: parameters.headers
                async: false,
                isOverLengthGet: true

            return WebApiClient.SendBatch(batch);

        xhr.open(method, url, false);

        headers = MergeHeaders(headers, parameters.headers, DefaultHeaders);

        AppendHeaders(xhr, headers);

        // Bugfix for IE. If payload is undefined, IE would send "undefined" as request body
        if (payload) {
            // For batch requests, we just want to send a string body
            if (typeof(payload) === "string") {
            else {
        } else {

        if(xhr.readyState !== 4) {

        if(xhr.status === 200){
            response = ParseResponse(xhr);

            // If we received multiple responses, it was a custom batch. Just resolve all matches
            if (response instanceof WebApiClient.BatchResponse) {
              // If it was an overlength fetchXml, that was sent as batch automatically, we don't want it to behave as a batch
              if (parameters.isOverLengthGet) {
                    response = response.batchResponses[0].payload;
                } else {
                    return response;

            var nextLink = GetNextLink(response);
            var pagingCookie = GetPagingCookie(response);

            // Since 9.X paging cookie is always added to response, even in queryParams retrieves
            // In 9.X the morerecords flag can signal whether there are more records to be found
            // In 8.X the flag was not present and instead the pagingCookie was only set if more records were available
            var moreRecords = "@Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.morerecords" in response ? response["@Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.morerecords"] : true;

            response = MergeResults(parameters._previousResponse, response);

            // Results are paged, we don't have all results at this point
            if (moreRecords && nextLink && (WebApiClient.ReturnAllPages || parameters.returnAllPages)) {
                SetPreviousResponse(parameters, response);

                SendSync("GET", nextLink, null, parameters);
            else if (parameters.fetchXml && moreRecords && pagingCookie && (WebApiClient.ReturnAllPages || parameters.returnAllPages)) {
                var nextPageFetch = SetCookie(pagingCookie, parameters);

                SetPreviousResponse(parameters, response);

                parameters.fetchXml = nextPageFetch;

        else if (xhr.status === 201) {
            response = ParseResponse(xhr);
        else if (xhr.status === 204) {
            if (method.toLowerCase() === "post") {
                response = xhr.getResponseHeader("OData-EntityId");
            // No content returned for delete, update, ...
            else {
                response = xhr.statusText;
        else {
            throw new Error(FormatError(xhr));

        return response;

    function GetAsync (parameters) {
      if (typeof(parameters.async) !== "undefined") {
          return parameters.async;

      return WebApiClient.Async;

    function BuildAlternateKeyUrl (params) {
        if (!params || !params.alternateKey) {
            return "";

        var url = "(";

        for (var i = 0; i < params.alternateKey.length; i++) {
            var key = params.alternateKey[i];
            var value = key.value;

            if (typeof(key.value) !== "number") {
                value = "'" + key.value + "'";

            url += key.property + "=" + value;

            if (i + 1 === params.alternateKey.length) {
                url += ")";
            else {
                url += ",";

        return url;

     * @description Sends request using given parameters.
     * @method SendRequest
     * @param {String} method Method type of request to send, such as "GET"
     * @param {String} url Target URL for request.
     * @param {Object} [payload] Payload for request.
     * @param {Object} [parameters] - Parameters for sending the request
     * @param {Boolean} [parameters.async] - True for sending async, false for sync. Defaults to true.
     * @param {Array<key:string,value:string>} [parameters.headers] - Headers for appending to request
     * @memberof module:WebApiClient
     * @return {Promise<Object>|Object}
    WebApiClient.SendRequest = function (method, url, payload, parameters) {
      var params = parameters || {};

      // Fallback for request headers array as fourth parameter
      if (Array.isArray(params)) {
          params = {
              headers: params

      if (WebApiClient.Token) {
          params.headers = params.headers || [];
          params.headers.push({key: "Authorization", value: "Bearer " + WebApiClient.Token});

      if (params.asBatch) {
          return new WebApiClient.BatchRequest({
              method: method,
              url: url,
              payload: payload,
              headers: params.headers

      var asynchronous = GetAsync(params);

      if (asynchronous) {
          return SendAsync(method, url, payload, params);
      } else {
          return SendSync(method, url, payload, params);

     * @description Applies configuration to WebApiClient.
     * @method Configure
     * @param {Object} configuration Object with keys named after WebApiClient Members, such as "Token"s
     * @memberof module:WebApiClient
     * @return {void}
    WebApiClient.Configure = function (configuration) {
        for (var property in configuration) {
            if (!configuration.hasOwnProperty(property)) {

            WebApiClient[property] = configuration[property];

     * @description Gets the current base API url that is used.
     * @method GetApiUrl
     * @memberof module:WebApiClient
     * @return {String}
    WebApiClient.GetApiUrl = function() {
        return GetClientUrl() + "/api/data/v" + WebApiClient.ApiVersion + "/";

     * @description Creates a given record in CRM.
     * @method Create
     * @param {Object} parameters Parameters for creating record
     * @param {String} parameters.entityName Entity name of record that should be created
     * @param {String} [parameters.overriddenSetName] Plural name of entity, if not according to plural rules
     * @param {Object} parameters.entity Object containing record data
     * @param {Boolean} [parameters.async] True for sending asynchronous, false for synchronous. Defaults to true.
     * @param {Array<key:string,value:string>} [parameters.headers] Headers to attach to request
     * @memberof module:WebApiClient
     * @return {Promise<String>|Promise<object>|String|Object} - Returns Promise<Object> if return=representation header is set, otherwise Promise<String>. Just Object or String if sent synchronously.
    WebApiClient.Create = function(parameters) {
        var params = parameters || {};

        if ((!params.entityName && !params.overriddenSetName) || !params.entity) {
            throw new Error("Entity name and entity object have to be passed!");

        var url = WebApiClient.GetApiUrl() + WebApiClient.GetSetName(params.entityName, params.overriddenSetName);

        return WebApiClient.SendRequest("POST", url, params.entity, params);

     * @description Retrieves records from CRM
     * @method Retrieve
     * @param {Object} parameters Parameters for retrieving records
     * @param {String} parameters.entityName Entity name of records that should be retrieved
     * @param {String} [parameters.overriddenSetName] Plural name of entity, if not according to plural rules
     * @param {String} [parameters.queryParams] Query Parameters to append to URL, such as ?$select=*
     * @param {String} [parameters.fetchXml] Fetch XML query
     * @param {String} [parameters.entityId] ID of entity to retrieve, will return single record
     * @param {Array<property:string,value:string>} [parameters.alternateKey] Alternate key array for retrieving single record
     * @param {Boolean} [parameters.async] True for sending asynchronous, false for synchronous. Defaults to true.
     * @param {Array<key:string,value:string>} [parameters.headers] Headers to attach to request
     * @memberof module:WebApiClient
     * @return {Promise<object>|Object} - Returns Promise<Object> if asyncj, just Object if sent synchronously.
    WebApiClient.Retrieve = function(parameters) {
        var params = parameters || {};

        if (!params.entityName && !params.overriddenSetName) {
            throw new Error("Entity name has to be passed!");

        var url = WebApiClient.GetApiUrl() + WebApiClient.GetSetName(params.entityName, params.overriddenSetName);

        if (params.entityId) {
            url += "(" + RemoveIdBrackets(params.entityId) + ")";
        else if (params.fetchXml) {
        	  url += "?fetchXml=" + escape(params.fetchXml);
        else if (params.alternateKey) {
            url += BuildAlternateKeyUrl(params);

        if (params.queryParams) {
            url += params.queryParams;

        return WebApiClient.SendRequest("GET", url, null, params);

     * @description Updates a given record in CRM.
     * @method Update
     * @param {Object} parameters Parameters for updating record
     * @param {String} parameters.entityName Entity name of records that should be updated
     * @param {String} [parameters.overriddenSetName] Plural name of entity, if not according to plural rules
     * @param {String} [parameters.entityId] ID of entity to update
     * @param {Array<property:string,value:string>} [parameters.alternateKey] Alternate key array for updating record
     * @param {Boolean} [parameters.async] True for sending asynchronous, false for synchronous. Defaults to true.
     * @param {Array<key:string,value:string>} [parameters.headers] Headers to attach to request
     * @memberof module:WebApiClient
     * @return {Promise<String>|Promise<object>|String|Object} - Returns Promise<Object> if return=representation header is set, otherwise Promise<String>. Just Object or String if sent synchronously.
    WebApiClient.Update = function(parameters) {
        var params = parameters || {};

        if (!params.entity) {
            throw new Error("Update object has to be passed!");

        var url = GetRecordUrl(params);

        return WebApiClient.SendRequest("PATCH", url, params.entity, params);

     * @description Deletes a given record in CRM.
     * @method Delete
     * @param {Object} parameters Parameters for deleting record
     * @param {String} parameters.entityName Entity name of records that should be deleted
     * @param {String} [parameters.overriddenSetName] Plural name of entity, if not according to plural rules
     * @param {String} [parameters.entityId] ID of entity to delete
     * @param {Array<property:string,value:string>} [parameters.alternateKey] Alternate key array for deleting record
     * @param {Boolean} [parameters.async] True for sending asynchronous, false for synchronous. Defaults to true.
     * @param {Array<key:string,value:string>} [parameters.headers] Headers to attach to request
     * @memberof module:WebApiClient
     * @return {Promise<String>|String} - Returns Promise<String> if async, just String if sent synchronously.
    WebApiClient.Delete = function(parameters) {
        var params = parameters || {};
        var url = GetRecordUrl(params);

        if (params.queryParams) {
            url += params.queryParams;

        return WebApiClient.SendRequest("DELETE", url, null, params);

     * @description Associates given records in CRM.
     * @method Associate
     * @param {Object} parameters Parameters for associating records
     * @param {String} parameters.relationShip Name of relation ship to use for associating
     * @param {Object} parameters.source Source entity for disassociating
     * @param {String} [parameters.source.overriddenSetName] Plural name of entity, if not according to plural rules
     * @param {String} parameters.source.entityId ID of entity
     * @param {String} parameters.source.entityName Logical name of entity, such as "account"
     * @param {Object} parameters.target Target entity for disassociating
     * @param {String} [parameters.target.overriddenSetName] Plural name of entity, if not according to plural rules
     * @param {String} parameters.target.entityId ID of entity
     * @param {String} parameters.target.entityName Logical name of entity, such as "account"
     * @param {Boolean} [parameters.async] True for sending asynchronous, false for synchronous. Defaults to true.
     * @param {Array<key:string,value:string>} [parameters.headers] Headers to attach to request
     * @memberof module:WebApiClient
     * @return {Promise<String>|String} - Returns Promise<String> if async, just String if sent synchronously.
    WebApiClient.Associate = function(parameters) {
        var params = parameters || {};

        if (!params.relationShip) {
            throw new Error("Relationship has to be passed!");

        if (!params.source || !params.target) {
            throw new Error("Source and target have to be passed!");

        var targetUrl = GetRecordUrl(params.target);
        var relationShip = "/" + params.relationShip + "/$ref";

        var url = targetUrl + relationShip;

        var payload = { "@odata.id": GetRecordUrl(params.source) };

        return WebApiClient.SendRequest("POST", url, payload, params);

     * @description Disassociates given records in CRM.
     * @method Disassociate
     * @param {Object} parameters Parameters for disassociating records
     * @param {String} parameters.relationShip Name of relation ship to use for disassociating
     * @param {Object} parameters.source Source entity for disassociating
     * @param {String} [parameters.source.overriddenSetName] Plural name of entity, if not according to plural rules
     * @param {String} parameters.source.entityId ID of entity
     * @param {String} parameters.source.entityName Logical name of entity, such as "account"
     * @param {Object} parameters.target Target entity for disassociating
     * @param {String} [parameters.target.overriddenSetName] Plural name of entity, if not according to plural rules
     * @param {String} parameters.target.entityId ID of entity
     * @param {String} parameters.target.entityName Logical name of entity, such as "account"
     * @param {Boolean} [parameters.async] True for sending asynchronous, false for synchronous. Defaults to true.
     * @param {Array<key:string,value:string>} [parameters.headers] Headers to attach to request
     * @memberof module:WebApiClient
     * @return {Promise<String>|String} - Returns Promise<String> if async, just String if sent synchronously.
    WebApiClient.Disassociate = function(parameters) {
        var params = parameters || {};

        if (!params.relationShip) {
            throw new Error("Relationship has to be passed!");

        if (!params.source || !params.target) {
            throw new Error("Source and target have to be passed!");

        if (!params.source.entityId) {
            throw new Error("Source needs entityId set!");

        var targetUrl = GetRecordUrl(params.target);
        var relationShip = "/" + params.relationShip + "(" + RemoveIdBrackets(params.source.entityId) + ")/$ref";

        var url = targetUrl + relationShip;

        return WebApiClient.SendRequest("DELETE", url, null, params);

     * @description Executes the given request in CRM.
     * @method Execute
     * @param {Object} request Request to send, must be in prototype chain of WebApiClient.Requests.Request.
     * @param {Boolean} [request.async] True for sending asynchronous, false for synchronous. Defaults to true.
     * @param {Array<key:string,value:string>} [request.headers] Headers to attach to request
     * @memberof module:WebApiClient
     * @return {Promise<Object>|Object} - Returns Promise<Object> if async, just Object if sent synchronously.
    WebApiClient.Execute = function(request) {
        if (!request) {
            throw new Error("You need to pass a request!");

        if (!(request instanceof WebApiClient.Requests.Request)) {
            throw new Error("Request for execution must be in prototype chain of WebApiClient.Request");

        return WebApiClient.SendRequest(request.method, request.buildUrl(), request.payload, request);

     * @description Sends the given batch to CRM.
     * @method SendBatch
     * @param {Object} batch Batch to send to CRM
     * @param {Boolean} [batch.async] True for sending asynchronous, false for synchronous. Defaults to true.
     * @param {Array<key:string,value:string>} [batch.headers] Headers to attach to request
     * @memberof module:WebApiClient
     * @return {Promise<Object>|Object} - Returns Promise<Object> if async, just Object if sent synchronously.
    WebApiClient.SendBatch = function(batch) {
        if (!batch) {
            throw new Error("You need to pass a batch!");

        if (!(batch instanceof WebApiClient.Batch)) {
            throw new Error("Batch for execution must be a WebApiClient.Batch object");

        var url = WebApiClient.GetApiUrl() + "$batch";

        batch.headers = batch.headers || [];
        batch.headers.push({key: "Content-Type", value: "multipart/mixed;boundary=" + batch.name});

        var payload = batch.buildPayload();

        return WebApiClient.SendRequest("POST", url, payload, batch);

     * @description Expands all odata.nextLink (deferred) properties for an array of records.
     * @method Expand
     * @param {Object} parameters Configuration for expanding
     * @param {Array<Object>} parameters.records Array of records to expand
     * @param {Boolean} [parameters.async] True for sending asynchronous, false for synchronous. Defaults to true.
     * @param {Array<key:string,value:string>} [parameters.headers] Headers to attach to request
     * @memberof module:WebApiClient
     * @return {Promise<Object>|Object} - Returns Promise<Object> if async, just Object if sent synchronously.
    WebApiClient.Expand = function (parameters) {
    /// <summary>Expands all odata.nextLink / deferred properties for an array of records</summary>
    /// <param name="parameters" type="Object">Object that contains 'records' array or object. Optional 'headers'.</param>
    /// <returns>Promise for sent request or result if sync.</returns>
        var params = parameters || {};
        var records = params.records;

        var requests = [];
        var asynchronous = GetAsync(parameters);

        for (var i = 0; i < records.length; i++) {
            var record = records[i];

            for (var attribute in record) {
                if (!record.hasOwnProperty(attribute)) {

                var name = attribute.replace("@odata.nextLink", "");

                // If nothing changed, this was not a deferred attribute
                if (!name || name === attribute) {

                record[name] = WebApiClient.SendRequest("GET", record[attribute], null, params);

                // Delete @odata.nextLink property
                delete record[attribute];

            if (asynchronous) {

        if (asynchronous) {
            return Promise.all(requests);
        } else {
            return records;

    module.exports = WebApiClient;
} ());