Construct a new instance of XrmUiTest
Define certain behaviour settings optionally. If not passed, defaults will be used
Gets the currently opened AppId
Sets the currently opened AppId. Is set automatically by calling Navigation.openAppById
Gets the subfunctions for interacting with attributes in D365, for example getting or setting values
Gets the subfunctions for using ribbon buttons in D365
Gets the subfunctions for interacting with controls in D365, for example getting visibility or disable states
Gets the subfunctions for interacting with dialogs in D365, for example duplicate detection dialogs
Gets the subfunctions for interacting with the record in D365
Gets the subfunctions for interacting with forms in D365, for example opening different forms
Gets the subfunctions for interacting with grids / entity lists in D365, for example opening specific records
Gets the subfunctions for navigating in D365
Gets the subfunctions for interacting with sections in D365, for example getting its visibility state
Gets the subfunctions for interacting with subgrids in D365, for example refreshing or opening specific records
Gets the subfunctions for interacting with tabs in D365, for example to open one
Gets the subfunctions for interacting with the D365 WebApi using Xrm.WebApi
Gets the browser object that was generated when launching playwright
Gets the browser context object
Gets the D365 base URL
Gets the page object that was generated when connecting to D365
Default settings for various actions such as navigation
Update settings
Closes the playwright browser session
Function for launching a playwright instance
Started browser instance, browser context and page
Opens your D365 organization and logs you in
Url of your D365 organization
Options for logging in. User name and password are required. If you have a custom authentication page, you should pass userNameFieldSelector if user name has to be reentered and passwordFieldSelector for password entry. These are css selectors for the inputs.
Resolves as soon as D365 is logged in and open
Waits for all pending UCI operations to settle
Generated using TypeDoc
Main class for testing in D365