playwright page object for current session
Folder path to search
File ending to search for. Can be full name as well
Time to wait between checks
Number of tries to do
Clear all files in a folder (or matching a specified file ending)
Folder where files need to be cleaned
Endings which determine which files to delete. Leave empty to delete all. @default undefined
Create folder if not found. @default false
Take screenshots on function failure. Useful for taking screenshots for failed tests. Will rethrow the error.
Path where the screenshot should be saved on failure. Has to include file ending such as .png.
Your actual test
If you come across network timeouts when using this library, you can use this function for finding out which requests were causing this.
The page object for the current session
The function call that causes the navigation timeout
Generated using TypeDoc
Checks for a file to exist. Useful for validating if playwright downloads succeeded.